Money Saving Tips for Hedgehog Owners
Money Saving Tips For Hedgehog Owners I know exactly what it's like to want a pet hedgehog, but worry about costs. I'm a student, with a part time job, and unpaid internship, so believe me I know. I'm also that person who avoids spending money on myself, but will spend so much on my pets and other people. I hope I can help other hedgie owners, or future hedgie owners save some money with these tips! 1. Invest in a good SILENT wheel: The key word here is silent, that's why it's all caps. If you get a loud wheel you will regret it. Hedgehogs are nocturnal. If you have a hedgehog who sleeps in your room, especially if you're a light sleeper, just get a silent wheel. I made the mistake of buying a wheel that was not, and regretted it. I ended up having to spend more money on new wheels, because of this, when I could've just spent a little extra money and saved the hassle. I highly recommend bucket wheels, make sure they're 10-12 inches in diameter, y...