
Showing posts from June, 2020

Money Saving Tips for Hedgehog Owners

Money Saving Tips For Hedgehog Owners      I know exactly what it's like to want a pet hedgehog, but worry about costs. I'm a student, with a part time job, and unpaid internship, so believe me I know. I'm also that person who avoids spending money on myself, but will spend so much on my pets and other people. I hope I can help other hedgie owners,  or future hedgie owners save some money with these tips!   1. Invest in a good SILENT wheel: The key word here is silent, that's why it's all caps. If you get a loud wheel you will regret it. Hedgehogs are nocturnal. If you have a hedgehog who sleeps in your room, especially if you're a light sleeper, just get a silent wheel. I made the mistake of buying a wheel that was not, and regretted it. I ended up having to spend more money on new wheels, because of this, when I could've just spent a little extra money and saved the hassle. I highly recommend bucket wheels, make sure they're 10-12 inches in diameter, y...

An Intro to the Spike & Fluff Bunch

An Introduction to the Spike & Fluff Bunch      I’m going to introduce you to some of the main pets I will be referring to in the future. There are plenty of others that will be featured, but for now let’s meet the stars. I will start with the oldest and work my way down the list. Alfie: This boy is a yorkie poo who is eight years old. I’m going to be honest with y’all, he’s kind of an asshole, but he is my baby boy. Alfie spends every second glued to my side, and when I’m not home waits by the door. He has a nasty habit of peeing on anything he can reach. He especially loves everyones shoes, except for mine. Aside from that he really is a sweet boy. He loves popcorn the most, in fact one day I left the room and he helped himself to my bowl. I should’ve known he was planning something given that he didn’t follow me out. Along with popcorn he loves stuffed animals, and is very partial to stuffed animals that are food. His favorite being a stuffed carrot. Finnigan: Finn...